The Cloud (5)

The Cloud

Docker Containers & Clustering/Orchestration

The Big Picture The aim of this blog post isn’t to get into the nitty gritty how to build and run a containerized app on your favorite cloud provider...

The Cloud

IoT and Employee Satisfaction

The very concept of automation leads to a moral and ethical dilemma regarding the workforce.

The Cloud

AWS Snowflake Data Warehousing

Learn about AWS Snowflake Architecture, data handling and connecting to Snowflake, how to set up a Snowflake DB, and load Data from the pros at Metal...

The Cloud

Origin Protection with AWS WAF & Shield

Amazon has been steadily improving their CloudFront CDN offering with WAF (Web Application Firewall) capabilities. This is a great feature, however...

The Cloud

The Launch of Swift 2.0

Ever since Grace Hopper came up with the A language programmers have been trying to create new languages and processes that make it easier to do work...

The Cloud

Cloud Architecture: AWS CloudFormation

In my previous blog series, Evolution of a Custom Cloud, I went over how our base design for a custom cloud has improved and how we setup our current...

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