
The Cloud

How to Host a Website on AWS in 5 Minutes

For most casual website owners, it’s often easy to simply use a hosting provider with built in support for their CMS and integrating analytics....

Artificial Intelligence

Django 2.0 - Is your project ready?

Django 2.0 is in beta now. It's expected to be released in December 2017. The question remains, is the rest of the world going to be ready? Let's...

Artificial Intelligence

Secrets to Project Happiness Using Git

I have worked with dozens of projects over my career, on platforms ranging from Drupal to Yii to Django to AngularJS

Artificial Intelligence

Providing Value as a Digital PM

Being a PM can be a bit of an amorphous position, especially at smaller agencies where the job spans part AM, part contract writer, part QA,...

Artificial Intelligence

Metal Toad and Kapow Launch Ken Burns America

Ken Burns America launched this week on the website. In partnering with Kapow, Metal Toad took on the task of modifying and patching the...

Artificial Intelligence

The Successful Digital PM, Part 4: Knowledge

There's no rocket science behind this post. Just like a construction project manager is probably going to want to know a thing or two about...


Crafting an Apache Solr Schema.xml

Using Apache Solr with Drupal is fairly simple thanks to the apachesolr module, but recently we were tasked with making Solr a vital component of


ToadCast 001 - Hello World!

First Episode Here we go! The first ever Metal Toad Media podcast: Toadcast! This is a weekly podcast dealing with the web, technology, and anything...

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