Python (2)

Artificial Intelligence

Spatial analysis with PostgreSQL and OpenStreetMap

I've always been a map geek, dating back to the 1980s when I would take a road atlas and some tracing paper and draw in my own road network. And one...

The Cloud

AWS Snowflake Data Warehousing

Learn about AWS Snowflake Architecture, data handling and connecting to Snowflake, how to set up a Snowflake DB, and load Data from the pros at Metal...

Artificial Intelligence

Creating a Twitter ticker with a Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is great if you want a dedicated device for a task that you can turn on, get it to do its thing and leave it alone.

Artificial Intelligence

Django 2.0 - Is your project ready?

Django 2.0 is in beta now. It's expected to be released in December 2017. The question remains, is the rest of the world going to be ready? Let's...

Artificial Intelligence

Secrets to Project Happiness Using Git

I have worked with dozens of projects over my career, on platforms ranging from Drupal to Yii to Django to AngularJS

Artificial Intelligence

Why Portland will be the Next Tech Hub

The demand for software continues to rise. I've written before on the current workforce gap and how that gap will be filled through vocational...


The Challenge to Innovation

Recently inspired by Peter Thiel's excellent book Zero to One, I've been reflecting on the software industry as the preeminent place where we can...

Artificial Intelligence

Metal Toad Hosts Women Who Hack

On Sunday, we welcomed Women Who Hack, a monthly gathering "for women who want to hack on projects with or around other women.


ToadCast 001 - Hello World!

First Episode Here we go! The first ever Metal Toad Media podcast: Toadcast! This is a weekly podcast dealing with the web, technology, and anything...

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