Lately, I have worked on a few projects where a single-page Angular app is contained within a site built on a server-side framework like Django. One of the challenges is to get their URLs to play nicely together.
Say you have a project with an Angular 2 front end and an API back end using the Django Rest Framework. Further, imagine that your Angular 2 page is also served from within the Django app. Your URL structure might look like this:
/ - renders an index.html file that contains the Angular 2 app
/api/books- JSON books list rendered on the server side by Django
/api/books/1 - JSON book detail data, also rendered on the server side
For the purpose of this tutorial, let's assume that the two /api URLs are REST API endpoints which are rendered on the server side by Django. We can imagine that the Angular 2 app might call these endpoints to retrieve data, though the details of the API call are beyond the scope of this article.
In your module in your Django project, this would look something like the following:
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', views.index, name='index'),
url(r'^api/books', views.book_list, name='book_list'),
url(r'^api/books/<P<id>\d+)/$', views.book_detail, name='book_detail'),
NOTE: If you are using the Django Rest Framework to generate your API, your "/api/…" URLs would be built using one of the built-in Router classes. This logic is omitted here for simplicity.
However, that's not the end of the story regarding URLs. Angular 2 uses HTML5 pushstate within its router, to provide clean URLs without the hash style commonly seen in Angular 1. This means that you might have a URL within Angular like "/books/42".
Within your single-page app, Angular will handle updating the address bar to the correct URL. This means that the single-page app will work as long as the user keeps her browser open. But, what happens when she bookmarks a URL within the single-page app and comes back to it later? Or she follows a link given to her by someone else?
For incoming traffic, the application will handle URLs like this:
- / - Django routes this to the home page
- /api/books - Django shows the list of books from the API
- /books/42 - This route is known to Angular but not to Django. Django will show a 404!
- /bogus-page - A real 404. Django renders the 404 page, as expected.
Obviously, the third route is not being handled the way we want. Let's fix this. We need to add a catch-all URL pattern to Django's
urlpatterns = [
… (your other routes here) …
# catch-all pattern for compatibility with the Angular routes. This must be last in the list.
url(r'^(?P<path>.*)/$', views.index),
Also, in your file, find the view that renders the 'index' page, and make sure it is able to accept the 'path' keyword argument:
def index(request, path=''):
Renders the Angular2 SPA
return render(request, 'index.html')
Note: you don't actually need to do anything with the path argument. It just needs to exist so that Django won't throw an error when it's present.
Now, incoming traffic will be routed like this:
- / - Django routes this to the home page
- /api/books - Django shows the list of books from the API
- /books/42 - Matches the new Django catch-all route, and is sent to Angular. The Angular 2 router shows the detail for book #42 within the single-page app.
- /bogus-page - A real 404. Django still passes this on to Angular, and Angular must show a 404 page.
That's more like it.
If any routes within the Angular app match the ones provided by Django, the Django routes will take precedence and make that page within the Angular app unreachable.
Any unknown or incorrect URLs entered into the address bar will not show a Django 404 page. They will be sent into the Angular2 app, even if Angular doesn't have a matching route. You would need to provide a 404 page within the Angular app if you want to show a "page not found" message to the user.
Other Frameworks
The concepts shown here work similarly with other server-side frameworks and CMSes like Drupal, Symfony, etc. Most of these systems should allow you to create a catch-all route in their URL configuration. In Drupal, for example, I have accomplished a similar setup using hook_menu()
Happy coding!