The Cloud

What does Metal Toad do?

Welcome to Metal Toad! So you’ve been hired at this cool tech company cal


Lambda: javascript vs python

For this hackathon we created a product, YouToad, using Amplify

The Cloud

Building a AWS Headless CMS

Over the past several years, Metal Toad has launched several successful cloud-first web and mobile applications, often with hardware components. With...

The Cloud

Docker Containers & Clustering/Orchestration

The Big Picture The aim of this blog post isn’t to get into the nitty gritty how to build and run a containerized app on your favorite cloud provider...


Drupal 8: Consumption of a Third-Party API

For a recent project, we were tasked to consume the client's internal data from a custom API. Now, this scenario was lucky for us, the API provides a...


Drupal 8: Migrating data from JSON files

The beauty of Drupal 8's built-in Migrate module is its flexibility. Lots of people will likely use it to migrate their Drupal 6 or 7 sites, but...

Artificial Intelligence

Secrets to Project Happiness Using Git

I have worked with dozens of projects over my career, on platforms ranging from Drupal to Yii to Django to AngularJS


Anatomy of a Drupalgeddon attack

Before working at Metal Toad, I saw an email from Acquia. A strange email. It went something like this: 


Amazon CloudFront with Drupal 8

Since I wrote my first review of CloudFront, Amazon has added support for three essential features...

Artificial Intelligence

Why Portland will be the Next Tech Hub

The demand for software continues to rise. I've written before on the current workforce gap and how that gap will be filled through vocational...


The Challenge to Innovation

Recently inspired by Peter Thiel's excellent book Zero to One, I've been reflecting on the software industry as the preeminent place where we can...


10 Months as a Junior Developer

I am now within a couple days of having survived as a Junior Developer at Metal Toad for 10 whole months.

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