PHP (4)


URL Shorteners Must Die

URL shorteners (such as and tinyurl) have been called the "herpes of the web". Beyond just link-rot, a public shortening service is per se an...


Using JSONP Safely

JSONP is a way to make cross-domain requests through javascript. It takes advantage of a loophole in the browser's same-origin policy: tags are...


Running Drupal Secure Pages behind a proxy

If you plan to use the securepages module behind a proxy that terminates SSL, there are some additional server configuration steps you need to take....

Artificial Intelligence

How To Write Multibyte Safe Code With Drupal

Having spent the last 5 months supporting on a multi-language multi-site project, I've learned quite a bit about multibyte safe code, so I thought...


Nesting Views like a Mecha-Eagle

As you have probably figured out, I love views. I love teasing out little features that are completely buried and obscure.


First Thoughts of Drupal- Part 2

Continuing on with the previous topic of essentially “what is Drupal?” we move on to the discussion of PHP and its importance in being able to build...


First thoughts of Drupal

Like any good Gen-Y-er, knowing I would be starting a job at a web development company that specialized in Drupal technology, my first step was to...

Artificial Intelligence

How to Change the Content-Type Meta Tag in Drupal

I'm working on an HTML5 theme for Drupal 7 right now, and I needed to change the meta content-type tag. By default it looks like this: , and I needed...


Facebook API Terminology

The toad just finished a small project involving the Facebook API and by far the most confusing aspect of the project was the terminology regarding...


The Power of Yes (within Frameworks)

Of all the powerful words in any language assertion is in my opinion the absolute most powerful. With affermative language we are able to create...

Artificial Intelligence

iPhone video streaming from Drupal's file system

It's well known the iPhone can play H.264 video. With tools like ffmpeg, hooking this up to Drupal ought to be simple, right? Here are a few snags I...


Bulk generating menu hierarchies

If you have ever needed to bulk generate menu items in Drupal (I used this for theming some drop-downs), here is a snippet to accomplish it. The...


Fun with stakeout.rb

Having only left Rubyville a couple weeks ago there are still a lot of Ruby-based utilities that I still find incredibly handy. One such utility that...


Drupal Views and custom search features

A recent project required the use of a view to create a custom search page. The view worked as expected, with exposed filters providing the multiple...

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