Quality Assurance (QA)

The Cloud

What does Metal Toad do?

Welcome to Metal Toad! So you’ve been hired at this cool tech company cal

Artificial Intelligence

What is Quality Assurance?

If you have ever had a bad experience with a product, such as a new cell phone application or a bad food delivery, would you use that product or...

Artificial Intelligence

When to Refactor: A Case for Quality

Software, like all things in life, grows old. In the world of software, we call this technical debt. Managing technical debt is like managing aging;...

Artificial Intelligence

Evaluating and Choosing A/B Testing Services

A/B and Multivariate Testing is a staple of the product development lifecycle. Whatever your goal, testing should be a frequently used tool in your...


DevOpsDays PDX

Last week, I attended my first DevOpsDays PDX!


Importance Of Software Testing

Testing is the first step in determining the quality of software. The testing process is an integral part of development and planning. Sooner or...


Save You a Search - Protractor Tips

I had trouble with two problems recently: Disabling some features that pop up when test automation is running on Chrome and writing a test that could...


Importance of Software Testing

Despite the fact that the role of software testing may seem insignificant and few of us ever even think about it, this is especially true for people...



I just attended Monitorama in Portland, and I wanted to talk about my experience!



At Metal Toad, where self-organizing and self-managing teams are encouraged (and even preferred), there is a lot of room and trust for individuals to...


Code Quality

One of Metal Toad’s continuing goals for developers centers around mastery.


Anatomy of a Drupalgeddon attack

Before working at Metal Toad, I saw an email from Acquia. A strange email. It went something like this: 

Artificial Intelligence

Behat with Drupal Domain Access

At Metal Toad we have been expanding our testing to include more behavior driven testing.


Mastering The Metal Toad Project Life Cycle

We're in the middle of interviews for our open project manager position and we've been talking to a lot of great candidates, all with diverse project...


SimpleTest 6.x gets e-mail capture!

The latest 6.x-2.9 release of SimpleTest includes a backport of the e-mail capture feature from D7. This means you can finally unit test e-mail...

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