Secrets to Project Happiness Using Git
I have worked with dozens of projects over my career, on platforms ranging from Drupal to Yii to Django to AngularJS
Ken Burns America launched this week on the website. In partnering with Kapow, Metal Toad took on the task of modifying and patching the NotreDAM Digital Asset Manager to meet the content repository and asset management goals of the project. From there, we created a lightweight client API to expose NotreDAM's data to the project's Django-based websites, built "NotreDAM Light", an asset browser for Django, integrataed Solr for search, and assisted with SEO and Django app development tasks.
I have worked with dozens of projects over my career, on platforms ranging from Drupal to Yii to Django to AngularJS
This is a quick example of how I got Periodic Tasks to work using Celery without Django.
Lately, I have worked on a few projects where a single-page Angular app is contained within a site built on a server-side framework like Django.