
The Cloud

What does Metal Toad do?

Welcome to Metal Toad! So you’ve been hired at this cool tech company cal

Artificial Intelligence

Secrets to Project Happiness Using Git

I have worked with dozens of projects over my career, on platforms ranging from Drupal to Yii to Django to AngularJS


Angular JS Promises: From Service to Template

In this blog post, we will learn how to request an HTTP GET call from an AngularJS Service and display the data in the template while avoiding the...


Drupalcon Austin: Toads in Texas

Turns out that Toads migrate south in the summer. At first, we assumed this was some instinctual need to get as close to the sun as possible.

Artificial Intelligence

Angular services and useable patterns

AngularJS is a relatively new javascript framework that is taking the web application development world by storm.


ToadCast 015 - ECommerce

Joining me for Toadcast 15 is Tom Martin to discuss ecommerce. That's right, a show all about a single topic!


ToadCast 010 - I Hope You Like Opinions

Here we go again! ToadCast 010, I was joined by Aaron Amstutz and Tony Rasmussen to discuss Apple, Google, and Microsoft hardware & dissonance with...

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