Drupal 8


Drupal 8: Consumption of a Third-Party API

For a recent project, we were tasked to consume the client's internal data from a custom API. Now, this scenario was lucky for us, the API provides a...

Artificial Intelligence

Sluggish Drupal 8 Adoption Lags Even D6

We're just past the second anniversary of 8.0.0. To see how D8 is doing compared to prior releases, we put together the chart above, based on...


Drupal 8 Entity API cheat sheet

Wait, is it "$node->title" or "$node->title->value"? How do I write an EntityQuery again? Yeah, I can never remember, either.


Drupal 8: Migrating data from JSON files

The beauty of Drupal 8's built-in Migrate module is its flexibility. Lots of people will likely use it to migrate their Drupal 6 or 7 sites, but...

Artificial Intelligence

Secrets to Project Happiness Using Git

I have worked with dozens of projects over my career, on platforms ranging from Drupal to Yii to Django to AngularJS


Extending Drupal 8 Fields That Contain Data

Data protection is one of the primary advantages of Drupal, but sometimes there are exceptions to the rule and you might need to modify a field to...

Artificial Intelligence Reborn

Metal Toad has been blessed to work with some of the best design partners in the industry, not the least of which is Ziba.

Artificial Intelligence

How a Toad Writes a Blog Post

“Don't procrastinate. If you want to blog, then blog.”     - Fritz Chery

The Cloud

The Launch of Swift 2.0

Ever since Grace Hopper came up with the A language programmers have been trying to create new languages and processes that make it easier to do work...


Amazon CloudFront with Drupal 8

Since I wrote my first review of CloudFront, Amazon has added support for three essential features...

Artificial Intelligence

Migrating Content into Drupal 8

Drupal 8 includes a powerful built-in migration system for importing content into your site. It is designed to handle data from Drupal 6 or 7, and...


Drupalcon Austin: Toads in Texas

Turns out that Toads migrate south in the summer. At first, we assumed this was some instinctual need to get as close to the sun as possible.

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