
machine learning

Toadbook Hackathon Project

Discover how Metal Toad's team utilized AWS services and ML to create a simple social network platform at their latest hackathon. Explore the...

The Cloud

5 Signs You Need AWS Cloud Migration Consulting

At some point in the last decade, you’ve probably bought a new computer. And at first, it’s great: performance is zippy, but after a few years,...

The Cloud

What does Metal Toad do?

Welcome to Metal Toad! So you’ve been hired at this cool tech company cal

The Cloud

Managed Services for AWS

Explore the different meanings of managed services in the context of AWS. From AWS Managed Services to consulting partners and product offerings,...

Artificial Intelligence

What is AWS EC2?

AWS EC2 is short for Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cloud.

The Cloud

Media & Entertainment Cloud Ecosystem

Executive Interview with Ian McPherson, AWS, Head of North American Partnerships and Alliances Media and Entertainment. Ian is a longtime marketing...

The Cloud

What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is: the delivery of services, on a pay-as-you go basis. It’s the availability of offsite computer system resources that offers...

The Cloud

AWS Media Symposium—New York 2020 (Postponed)

Excited about the future of media and entertainment? Join us at the AWS Media Symposium in New York this year (March 11, 2020). We’re excited to be...

Artificial Intelligence

5 Signs You Need Better AWS DevOps

Imagine this scenario: you want to build a new house, so you hire two people: an architect to design the structure and all the plumbing and wiring...

The Cloud

Docker Containers & Clustering/Orchestration

The Big Picture The aim of this blog post isn’t to get into the nitty gritty how to build and run a containerized app on your favorite cloud provider...


Devopsing a Legacy World

Devops has been picking up steam since around the year 2009. ( It could be argued it was around in other forms longer but for argument's sake let's...


DevOpsDays PDX

Last week, I attended my first DevOpsDays PDX!

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