AWS Elemental

The Cloud

Digital Rights Management and the Cloud

As the CEO of BuyDRM, Christopher provides key insight and management to staff based around the world, as part of BuyDRM’s mission to deliver the...

The Cloud

Video Monetization + Cloud

Executive Interview with George Meek, CEO at InPlayer. George Meek has been in the technology field for decades and has focused on media and...

The Cloud

Agile Media Workflows + Cloud

Executive Interview with Lincoln Spiteri, VP of Engineering at Dalet. Lincoln has been in the telecommunications, media, and software industry for...

The Cloud

AWS MediaLive + Drones = Hackathon Fun

Hackathons! Weeeeeee!!!!! Am I right? I work in tech and I love it! I do not come from a technical background. Nope. I have decades of business...


Lambda: javascript vs python

For this hackathon we created a product, YouToad, using Amplify

The Cloud

AWS Media Symposium—New York 2020 (Postponed)

Excited about the future of media and entertainment? Join us at the AWS Media Symposium in New York this year (March 11, 2020). We’re excited to be...

The Cloud

Saas vs. Cloud

Discover how the Cloud has disrupted the software industry, from the rise of Open Source to the emergence of SaaS applications. Learn why the Cloud...

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