How is authentication and identity managed in AWS applications?
Authentication and authorization is a critical aspect of building modern applications.
Authentication and authorization is a critical aspect of building modern applications.
This is a three part post about our experience using AWS Amplify to develop a food logging app for the Metal Toad hackathon. Here in part one we...
22 years ago, I worked at a company called The company failed in the year 2000, but back in 1999 we were selling websites. The sales...
For most casual website owners, it’s often easy to simply use a hosting provider with built in support for their CMS and integrating analytics....
Hackathons! Weeeeeee!!!!! Am I right? I work in tech and I love it! I do not come from a technical background. Nope. I have decades of business...
Wednesday, May 6th at 9:00 am: Toads are poised at the starting line. Metal Toad’s AWS Media Services hackathon is about to begin!
YouToad For the first Metal Toad hackathon of 2020, our goal was to build a web based social media platform for on demand video using AWS Media...
Have you ever felt happy, nervous, motivated and excited in just 48 hours? If your answer is no you have never participated in a hackathon before!
This is an exciting week at Metal Toad—it’s hackathon time! Twice a year, the Toads devote two full days to rapid innovation, and it’s always a blast.
The banner and food feed have placeholder images that are ready to accept an avatar image. Now on to storing and retrieving an avatar in an s3 bucket...