Mobile Development (2)

Artificial Intelligence

Responsive Web Design and HTML5 are the Future

With the latest launch of the Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet, the world is now up to more than five major Android hardware providers. Among each of these,...

Artificial Intelligence

Mobile First – a mirage?

You've heard the hype. The mobile web is exploding, and device sales will soon outstrip PCs. Our desktops and laptops will join VCRs and fax machines...

Artificial Intelligence

Why HTML5 Makes Sense for Business

There's a lot of buzz from developers about HTML5, but what does it really mean to business? I look at in terms of...


Mobile Traffic is Up

Mobile website traffic is up. While this is hardly news, as a small case study I'm posting findings from (you can see the exact numbers...

Artificial Intelligence

Stop! You are doing mobile wrong!

For as long as mobile sites have been around the conventional wisdom has been: build your website first and then create a mobile site as an add-on;...

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