machine learning

Toadbook Hackathon Project

Discover how Metal Toad's team utilized AWS services and ML to create a simple social network platform at their latest hackathon. Explore the...

The Cloud

ReactJS Amplify App Part I - Overview and Auth

This is a three part post about our experience using AWS Amplify to develop a food logging app for the Metal Toad hackathon. Here in part one we...

The Cloud

What is Amazon S3?

Amazon S3 is short for Amazon Simple Storage Service, and it is the storage in the cloud.

Artificial Intelligence

Setup a NAS on AWS

As part of Metal Toad’s Managed Services Team, I have worked extensively in custom cloud based solutions.

The Cloud

ReactJS Amplify App Pt II - Storage

The banner and food feed have placeholder images that are ready to accept an avatar image. Now on to storing and retrieving an avatar in an s3 bucket...

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