Analytics-driven responsive web design planning
Many of our readers have asked for an update to the mobile device diagram. Rather than diagramming what handset makers are selling, I thought it...
Many of our readers have asked for an update to the mobile device diagram. Rather than diagramming what handset makers are selling, I thought it...
Recently, I have been asked questions about Metal Toad’s culture. People want me to explain what our culture is, how we got it and, for that matter,...
The demand for software continues to rise. I've written before on the current workforce gap and how that gap will be filled through vocational...
I’ve been a junior developer at Metal Toad for about a year now. In that time, I’ve learned and grown more than I would have thought possible...and,...
Recently inspired by Peter Thiel's excellent book Zero to One, I've been reflecting on the software industry as the preeminent place where we can...
This post is part three of a series following the session I presented at Drupalcon Austin, entitled
Being a PM can be a bit of an amorphous position, especially at smaller agencies where the job spans part AM, part contract writer, part QA,...
Up today is a brief post to share our project timeline template.
In this week's episode, we'll be revisiting the Git workflow in greater detail. I was originally going to discuss Capistrano too but quickly realized...
As part of our project manager application process, we ask applicants to respond to a number of questions about themselves focused on their approach...
Here’s the first template post in this series, following my opinion piece on when to use a PM tool v
As a technology company, we tend to go full-bore with any tools that can move us away from paper. When Google Drive (formerly Google Apps) made...
I’ve been using the Apple OSX suite of productivity tools (Safari, iCal, Mail) for as long as I’ve been using Macs (PowerBook G4 in ‘03).
We sometimes need to exchange huge files with our customers and partners (too big to fit within the typical storage limits of Basecamp, or the free...
Now that I've outlined the major areas to look for in a great Digital PM in previous posts, this post focuses on something equally important: finding...
So here it is, the post about why I am switching from an Android to an iPhone, with just weeks before the new iPhone 5S release. First let me clarify...
There's no rocket science behind this post. Just like a construction project manager is probably going to want to know a thing or two about...
Want to join Metal Toad University? Join the Google+ Page.
People often ask me where the name for my company came from. Lots of brand names have no meaning or names that have little in a modern context. Coke,...
Want to join Metal Toad University? Join the Google+ Page.
OMG, no video! For shame! We had some technical difficulties (read: Dan was a doofus), so there was no audio on the video. So while you could watch...
As more and more people start using the internet, and as websites get increasingly full featured Google continues to see growth in its userbase. Open...
It started with my Dad. He was recently laid off from Comcast after almost 30 years. He wasn't sure what to do with himself, but since he's the one...
Here we go again! ToadCast 010, I was joined by Aaron Amstutz and Tony Rasmussen to discuss Apple, Google, and Microsoft hardware & dissonance with...