Employee Liberation and the Impact of Good Company Culture
You know what’s sad to me? It’s sad that most people will never know how liberating it is to come to terms with your unhappiness, and to quit your...
You know what’s sad to me? It’s sad that most people will never know how liberating it is to come to terms with your unhappiness, and to quit your...
If you were to go out and buy a new piece of furniture, would you prefer a store that offered a great product and treated you poorly or a store that...
We are excited to share that Oregon Business Magazine recently acknowledged Metal Toad, based on our application and employee survey, as one o
Are you our next Project Manager hire at Metal Toad? Read this article from VP of Product Victoria Blake to find out.
It is with great pride that I have recently accepted a Board position with the non-profit organization Women In Tech (WIT), Portland.
My kid is a year and a half old. She is accumulating language at a startling rate. A few weeks ago, she started saying “no.” No has quickly become...
At the end of the day we need to operate viable businesses, and we all know there are many ways to get there. So much is said about culture and its...
Software has a bad rap as being a white/asian-male-dominated industry.
Sometimes in high tech companies, the focus is mainly on the numbers (financial, hours, etc.), but that really misses the fact that human beings – no...
Coming from a strict design engineering background and working in the realm of manufactured products, I have had a steep learning curve in the tech...
A colleague of mine attended a marketing seminar. One of the speakers, a Senior Executive, made the comment that she would not do business with a...
While I could applaud many of the excellent VP and CTOs in technology, I would like us all to take a moment to give thanks to some unsung heros….
Many of the folks reading this blog are already familiar with Agile Software Development (a.k.a. Agile).
“Don't procrastinate. If you want to blog, then blog.” - Fritz Chery
Metal Toad demonstrates its commitment to diversity in many ways.
When people think of Metal Toad, they immediately think of technology thought leadership and a strong devotion to education and outreach.
For the second straight year, Toads filled the Oregon skies. Not like in P.T. Anderson’s award-winning film Magnolia, but more like tiny dots of...
Metal Toad's Internship Program has grown leaps and bounds since I arrived last year. I could not be prouder of all of our interns, but our latest...
It is with great humility that I serve as Metal Toad spokesman in a very proud moment.
“At Metal Toad, we do things differently.”
Let me start by getting this out of the way and speaking frankly about being a female professional working in technology. There are very few of us,...
On December 4th, 2014, the Toads hosted an Open House to celebrate our recent move into the fourth floor of the historic Yeon Building in downtown...
On September 12th, 2014, Metal Toad overtook downtown Portland. Well, maybe not “took over,” but the sentiment was there.