Joining Women In Tech
It is with great pride that I have recently accepted a Board position with the non-profit organization Women In Tech (WIT), Portland.
It is with great pride that I have recently accepted a Board position with the non-profit organization Women In Tech (WIT), Portland. WIT is an organization that focuses on creating woman-friendly networking and mentorship opportunities, recognizing that the endemic culture of technology leaves a lot to be desired. Despite being woman focused, WIT also understands that the best way to solve problems and create change is to invite in anyone who is interested in helping; both women and men provide mentorship and there is a great culture of respect throughout the organization. Diversity should not be a zero sum game.
As a father of a young girl, I am acutely aware that it would be difficult for her to follow in my footsteps and pursue a career in programming. There are a number of reasons for this, but none of them have to do with her, or any lack of ability or aptitude and that is something that I am looking forward to help change.
Much thanks and gratitude to Megan Bigelow, the President and to the other Board members who selected me for this post. I am honored!