Artificial Intelligence (22)

Artificial Intelligence

2011 Knight News Challenge

If you haven't heard (or applied) be sure to check out the 2011 Knight News Challenge. It's an opportunity to pursue $5 million in funding for your...

Artificial Intelligence

Stop! You are doing mobile wrong!

For as long as mobile sites have been around the conventional wisdom has been: build your website first and then create a mobile site as an add-on;...

Artificial Intelligence

What Makes HTML5 so Great?

When the W3C started working on HTML again in 2007, they posted a set of guiding principles for the new version, emphasizing compatibility

Artificial Intelligence

How YouTube Could Still Win Big

YouTube is a cable network with nothing but public access on. There are literally billions of videos and with over two billion video views per day,...

Artificial Intelligence

How To Write Multibyte Safe Code With Drupal

Having spent the last 5 months supporting on a multi-language multi-site project, I've learned quite a bit about multibyte safe code, so I thought...

Artificial Intelligence

A JMeter test plan for Drupal

Last week, I wrote about graphing JMeter results with Matplotlib. Let's take a closer look at the actual Drupal test plan. This plan was adapted from...

Artificial Intelligence

Drupal Design Camp Boston Sponsorship

Metal Toad is now sponsoring Drupal Design Camp Boston. There are a number of reasons for this, but the foremost is that Drupal needs to build...

Artificial Intelligence

How to Change the Content-Type Meta Tag in Drupal

I'm working on an HTML5 theme for Drupal 7 right now, and I needed to change the meta content-type tag. By default it looks like this: , and I needed...

Artificial Intelligence

Big news for web fonts and video today

The codec wars around the HTML5 video element might be settled sooner than you think: Basically, Google just open-sourced VP8, a video codec. VP8 is...

Artificial Intelligence

Dylan Wilder-Tack, Drupal Security Team Member

When discussing the benefits of open-source frameworks (especially Drupal), I've often heard, "But if everyone has access to the source code, how...

Artificial Intelligence

Design has a big impact on web development

You know that button on the website you want to change? The one that looks like it was designed in 1999? Guess what? It was designed in 1999, and so...

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