Artificial Intelligence

Drupal Design Camp Boston Sponsorship

Metal Toad is now sponsoring Drupal Design Camp Boston. There are a number of reasons for this, but the foremost is that Drupal needs to build bridges within the design community.

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Metal Toad Media is now sponsoring Drupal Design Camp Boston. There are a number of reasons for this, but the foremost is that Drupal needs to build bridges within the design community.

As a recovering designer and the President of AIGA Portland I am very aware of the UI short comings within Drupal and the challenges that exist in the current theming system. That said, I believe in the power and flexibility of Drupal and the Drupal community. Drupal will continue to improve its UI, but to do that more designers need to get involved. Drupal Design Camps are excellent opportunities to reach out to the design community not only to educate but to listen as well.

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