
The Cloud

What does Metal Toad do?

Welcome to Metal Toad! So you’ve been hired at this cool tech company cal


Getting Started in the Tech Community

Everyone wants to change the world, but in order to do so, you have to put on pants. I found a loophole. That loophole is web development.


Autocomplete Using ActiveAdmin and Rails 3

I love how easy ActiveAdmin is to use out of the box, but it can force you into using a panoply of workarounds for forms with any significant level...


10 Months as a Junior Developer

I am now within a couple days of having survived as a Junior Developer at Metal Toad for 10 whole months.


Git: Always Be Branching (ABB)

In this week's episode, we'll be revisiting the Git workflow in greater detail. I was originally going to discuss Capistrano too but quickly realized...


Metal Toad University #5: The Gathering

OMG, no video! For shame! We had some technical difficulties (read: Dan was a doofus), so there was no audio on the video. So while you could watch...


ToadCast 002

Browsers, Boilerplate, SASS battle innuendo, and destruction! Joining me on our second podcast is Dan Linn where we talk about browsers, user...


Mobile Drupal optimization results

Our responsive redesign has been a great improvement for I was still not entirely satisfied with the speed of our site, especially...

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