Github (2)

Artificial Intelligence

History of Computer Girls, Part 2: Margaret!

I've been going around town giving a talk on the history of women in computers. During my research, I came across so very many women I’d never heard...


Code Quality

One of Metal Toad’s continuing goals for developers centers around mastery.


Golang Environment Configuration

I know that in my previous post, mocking API's in Golang, I said I would talk about testing, but I lied. To your face.

Artificial Intelligence

ReactJS Architecture (1 of 3): Configuring React

React is awesome. An 11 out 10. In my opinion, the best UI library currently in the ecosystem. It streamlines UI componentization, reusability, UI...


A Place for Ideas

When people think of Metal Toad, they immediately think of technology thought leadership and a strong devotion to education and outreach.


WatchOS 2 Animations with Completion Blocks

Now that WatchOS 2.0 is released we have more than just frame animations in the SDK. It now has animation support for moving things around on-screen.


10 Months as a Junior Developer

I am now within a couple days of having survived as a Junior Developer at Metal Toad for 10 whole months.


Git: Always Be Branching (ABB)

In this week's episode, we'll be revisiting the Git workflow in greater detail. I was originally going to discuss Capistrano too but quickly realized...

Artificial Intelligence

Pond Life Ep.2

Hello Everyone!

Artificial Intelligence

Git: Always Be Committing (ABC)

For a junior in the working world, that word takes on a whole new meaning if you are looking at it from the perspective of professional growth. Being...

Artificial Intelligence

Angular services and useable patterns

AngularJS is a relatively new javascript framework that is taking the web application development world by storm.


Keeping track of page load times in Munin

As part of the services we provide for some of our clients, we monitor web page load times. The Munin plugin we were using at the time was this...

Artificial Intelligence

Metal Toad University #8: The Wolf Theme

This session had us finding new images to create a new theme for our site. Once our new wolf images and patterns were created and exported, we went...

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