Design (9)

Artificial Intelligence

2011 Knight News Challenge

If you haven't heard (or applied) be sure to check out the 2011 Knight News Challenge. It's an opportunity to pursue $5 million in funding for your...

Artificial Intelligence

Stop! You are doing mobile wrong!

For as long as mobile sites have been around the conventional wisdom has been: build your website first and then create a mobile site as an add-on;...

Artificial Intelligence

What Makes HTML5 so Great?

When the W3C started working on HTML again in 2007, they posted a set of guiding principles for the new version, emphasizing compatibility


How to Decide Between WordPress & Drupal

WordPress is great - and so is Drupal. They are different platforms and should be selected for different projects depending on the needs. So how do...


First Thoughts of Drupal- Part 2

Continuing on with the previous topic of essentially “what is Drupal?” we move on to the discussion of PHP and its importance in being able to build...

Artificial Intelligence

Drupal Design Camp Boston Sponsorship

Metal Toad is now sponsoring Drupal Design Camp Boston. There are a number of reasons for this, but the foremost is that Drupal needs to build...

Artificial Intelligence

Dylan Wilder-Tack, Drupal Security Team Member

When discussing the benefits of open-source frameworks (especially Drupal), I've often heard, "But if everyone has access to the source code, how...

Artificial Intelligence

Design has a big impact on web development

You know that button on the website you want to change? The one that looks like it was designed in 1999? Guess what? It was designed in 1999, and so...


A tiny cart block for Ubercart

Here's a tiny shopping cart block for Ubercart that fits right in with the menu. Of course the standard block could be themed this way, but this is...

Artificial Intelligence

iPhone video streaming from Drupal's file system

It's well known the iPhone can play H.264 video. With tools like ffmpeg, hooking this up to Drupal ought to be simple, right? Here are a few snags I...

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