Career Advice (2)

Artificial Intelligence

Anyone Can Program

Anyone with a child under the age of 19 knows that "anyone can cook."  Thanks to Ratatouille and the folks at Pixar, a whole generation of


Getting Started in the Tech Community

Everyone wants to change the world, but in order to do so, you have to put on pants. I found a loophole. That loophole is web development.

Artificial Intelligence

2015 Q1 Challenge

As mentioned in the Projects At Work podcast with Dave Prior, we talked abo

Artificial Intelligence

Why Portland will be the Next Tech Hub

The demand for software continues to rise. I've written before on the current workforce gap and how that gap will be filled through vocational...

Career Advice

How to thrive as a Junior Developer

I’ve been a junior developer at Metal Toad for about a year now. In that time, I’ve learned and grown more than I would have thought possible...and,...


The Challenge to Innovation

Recently inspired by Peter Thiel's excellent book Zero to One, I've been reflecting on the software industry as the preeminent place where we can...


Process Frameworks That Weather Growth

With my presentation at this October's Digital PM Summit just a few weeks away, here is post number eight in my series that started after I first pr


10 Months as a Junior Developer

I am now within a couple days of having survived as a Junior Developer at Metal Toad for 10 whole months.


Team Communication Styles and Dynamics

This post goes a bit deeper into a framework for looking at team communication styles and dynamics based on the styles of doer, thinker, challenger,...

Career Advice

Stack Overflow Careers 2.0

I hesitate to review Stack Overflow Careers 2.0, but I'm so excited I just can't hide it. I imagine that this is what the early adopters of LinkedIn...


The Best Way to Learn Programming for Beginners

What's the best way to learn programming for beginners? What makes the difference between the people who knock things out of the park vs those who...

Artificial Intelligence

Git: Always Be Committing (ABC)

For a junior in the working world, that word takes on a whole new meaning if you are looking at it from the perspective of professional growth. Being...

Artificial Intelligence

Web Agencies Need Code Review

Web design and development agencies are lacking in code review practices, and our collective clients are suffering as a result.


How to Become a Web Developer

So you want to become a web developer? Smart move. The web is a growth industry and I don't know of any university curriculum that adequately...

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