
The Cloud

Ecommerce trends 2021

I recently bought a t-shirt online. Printed on the shirt is a hilarious mash-up of a cartoon from the 80s (He-Man) and a modern-day meme ("do you...

The Cloud

Media Orchestration + Cloud

With over 23 years in the industry, Art Raymond has been involved in media and advertising for the totality of his career. From the very beginning,...

Media & Entertainment

Back to work

For the first time in 12 months, I am exploring options for an actual office space outside of my home.  As many of you know, Metal Toad went...

Tips to manage stress

In this pandemic`s time we are all living, stress can be really part of our lives. We all have stress sometimes in our life, at work, at home, and on...

The Cloud

How to make a website

22 years ago, I worked at a company called The company failed in the year 2000, but back in 1999 we were selling websites. The sales...

Media & Entertainment

How to work remotely

Get our top 5 tips to doing remote work right. We've been working remotely since 2019 and learned a number of things the hard way.

Media & Entertainment

What is wallstreetbets Reddit?

It's likely been impossible for you to miss all the talk about GameStop stock. This upside is due to a corner of the internet called Reddit. More...

Media & Entertainment

What is Clubhouse?

By now you've probably heard about Clubhouse, the hot new social app. While I'm sure many of you are already on the inside, perhaps even hosting your...

The Cloud

How to Host a Website on AWS in 5 Minutes

For most casual website owners, it’s often easy to simply use a hosting provider with built in support for their CMS and integrating analytics....

machine learning

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a field of computer science where mathematical systems “learn” from massive data to adjust their internal models using linear...

Artificial Intelligence

Setup a NAS on AWS

As part of Metal Toad’s Managed Services Team, I have worked extensively in custom cloud based solutions.

Media & Entertainment

Work from home forever

In March of 2020, as a joke on my Instagram I posted a photo of my dog saying he hoped nobody ever went back to work. Now almost 11 months later, it...

Artificial Intelligence

Difference between Defect, Error and Bug

In the testing world it is very common that Quality Engineers talk about defects, bugs and errors, during the software development life cycle.

Media & Entertainment

The Year is 2031

This article first appeared in the Metal Toad newsletter.

The Cloud

When should you use AWS Lambda?

Faster than the wing flap of a bee Bees flap their wings ridiculously fast, at around 230 beats per second (fruit flies are 80 times smaller than...

The Cloud

Adaptability, Reinvention, and Media Security

Our CTO, Tony Rost, sat down with Senior Product Manager, Julie Scott, to talk about her key takeaways from this year’s re:Invent: organizational...

Media & Entertainment

Consumer Electronics Show — CES 2021

We recently wrapped up the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2021, and I wanted to share my thoughts with you. This was the first year we went all...

The Cloud

Chaos Engineering & AWS CloudShell

Our CTO, Tony Rost, sat down with engineering manager Nathan Wilkerson to talk about his key takeaways from this year’s re:Invent: Chaos Engineering...

Artificial Intelligence

What is Quality Assurance?

If you have ever had a bad experience with a product, such as a new cell phone application or a bad food delivery, would you use that product or...


How to get started with AWS Quicksight

Our CTO, Tony Rost, sat down with product leader Dave Bellous to talk about his key takeaways from this year’s re:Invent: AWS Quicksight

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