
The Cloud

AWS reInvent: what to expect 2021

As an award-winning AWS Advanced Consulting Partner and AWS managed services provider, we are pumped about the

Workplace Dress Code

As I was deciding what to write about in a blog for a software company, I didn’t recall anyone writing one here about fashion or dress code at the...

Artificial Intelligence


Technology has brougth great benefits to society and organizations such as:

5 Time Management Tips That Work

Time management is a decision-making process with the intention of planning and organizing how you divide the time to be spent on specific activities...


The Power of a Personal Retrospective

Metal Toad first introduced the concept of a retrospective to me in 2014. As an agile software company, our teams undertake retrospectives (retros)...

machine learning

Artificial Intelligence and the Cyberpunk dream

I was always amazed at the way the media convinced me that Artificial Intelligences would think, behave and act like human beings. That made me look...

The Cloud

Digital Rights Management and the Cloud

As the CEO of BuyDRM, Christopher provides key insight and management to staff based around the world, as part of BuyDRM’s mission to deliver the...

The Cloud

Kubeless: Role your own FaaS

All major cloud offerings have a Function as a Service (FaaS) tool. AWS offers Lambda, Azure offers Functions, GCP offers Cloud Functions.

Artificial Intelligence

Running FaaS on Linux Mint 19.3 with Kubeless

FaaS, the acronym for Function as a Service, is a cloud computing service that allows developers to build, run, and manage applications as functions...

The Cloud

Ecommerce trends 2021

I recently bought a t-shirt online. Printed on the shirt is a hilarious mash-up of a cartoon from the 80s (He-Man) and a modern-day meme ("do you...

The Cloud

Media Orchestration + Cloud

With over 23 years in the industry, Art Raymond has been involved in media and advertising for the totality of his career. From the very beginning,...

Media & Entertainment

Back to work

For the first time in 12 months, I am exploring options for an actual office space outside of my home.  As many of you know, Metal Toad went...

Tips to manage stress

In this pandemic`s time we are all living, stress can be really part of our lives. We all have stress sometimes in our life, at work, at home, and on...

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