

AWS Sample+ Hackathon: CDK to Terraform

Convert AWS CDK to Terraform with Amazon Q Developer in a hackathon project for faster deployments.

machine learning

Toadbook Hackathon Project

Discover how Metal Toad's team utilized AWS services and ML to create a simple social network platform at their latest hackathon. Explore the...

Artificial Intelligence

Metal Toad Prompt Engineering Hackathon

In this latest event, in the last week of September we embarked on a journey to learn how to work with prompt engineering, unleashing the power of...


Prompt Engineering Hackathon Learnings

As Large Language Models have risen to the everyday usage, Metal Toad took a few days to have a hackathon and see how much they could accomplish in 2...

The Cloud

ReactJS Amplify App Part I - Overview and Auth

This is a three part post about our experience using AWS Amplify to develop a food logging app for the Metal Toad hackathon. Here in part one we...

The Cloud

Kubeless: Role your own FaaS

All major cloud offerings have a Function as a Service (FaaS) tool. AWS offers Lambda, Azure offers Functions, GCP offers Cloud Functions.

Artificial Intelligence

Running FaaS on Linux Mint 19.3 with Kubeless

FaaS, the acronym for Function as a Service, is a cloud computing service that allows developers to build, run, and manage applications as functions...


AWS Chime: Lessons learned

A lot has changed during 2020. One is the number of people working remotely. That’s the Q4 hackathon theme was “Remote Work in 2020”.

AWS Media Services

AWS Rekognition, Comprehend, and Transcribe

Babu Frik, an Anzellan droidsmith with a talent for bypassing droid security systems, erased C3PO's memory. He felt very sad about it. He decided to...

The Cloud

AWS MediaLive + Drones = Hackathon Fun

Hackathons! Weeeeeee!!!!! Am I right? I work in tech and I love it! I do not come from a technical background. Nope. I have decades of business...

The Cloud

AWS Media Services + AWS Amplify

YouToad For the first Metal Toad hackathon of 2020, our goal was to build a web based social media platform for on demand video using AWS Media...


Lambda: javascript vs python

For this hackathon we created a product, YouToad, using Amplify

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