

Installing FTP on a CentOS 5 system

I recently had to install a FTP client on one of our live servers. This was a first time occurrence for me, so I thought it might be useful to...


New Look, New Blog

With our new look and feel finally released to the world, I thought I would take a moment to pontificate and see if I couldn't add something of value


Removing a Unix sym link

If you try deleting a symbolic link like this: rm -f test/ You get this: rm: cannot remove `test/': Not a directory Same deal if you try to use...


Keeping in touch after the event

I attended the AIGA leadership retreat in Omaha, Nebraska (I'm starting in July as the new Web Chair for AIGA Portland). There were some great...

Artificial Intelligence

Top 12 Drupal Modules

I just got back from Webvisions here in Portland. There were a number of interesting presentations and conferences are always good to get...

User Experience/User Interface (UX/UI)

Paper Prototypes

When it comes to planning a technology application, you can't beat low tech. Given that I run a web technology company clients are often surprised...

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