Social Media Club Portland Re-launches

Last night, nearly 90 people packed into The Agency for the official kickoff presentation with the Social Media Club - Portland.

Last night, nearly 90 people packed into The Agency for the official kickoff presentation with the Social Media Club - Portland. After a period of dormancy, the local chapter of the Social Media Club has come roaring back to life. And to kick things off with a bang, we managed to snag Chris Heuer (founder of the national organization and SocMed consultant par excellance). Chris was passionate, well informed and funny - everything you could ask for in a speaker. The crowd was enthusiastic, intelligent, and willing to ask the tough questions - everything you could ask for in an audience. In fact, we were so into the topic, we forced the venue to stay open late, just for us. *

If the turnout indicates anything, then social media is a red hot topic, both for practitioners and organizations. So how do we keep that energy up and continue to move forward with valuable and timely offerings? Well - that's up to you! The SMCPDX is a completely volunteer organization at this point. No board, no officers, no agenda beyond sharing the good.

  • Are you a social media consultant? We need you to tell us the topics you want to hear about - or suggest a topic to speak on.
  • Do you represent an organization which is thinking about implementing a social media strategy to engage with your customers in a authentic way? Let us know what would help you convince your stakeholders.
  • Do you volunteer with another professional organization? Let's co-host an event and expand some horizons.

If you'd like to know more, feel free to contact me directly.

* A hat tip to The Agency for hosting us last night. They offered the space for free and the staff dealt with the challenges of people in every available space incredibly well.

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