Drupal snippets #1 (Views exposed filters, F5 tweaks)
While I'm certain that I could never work up to the standards of Peter Cooper his "Interesting Ruby Tidbits That Don't Need Separate Posts" series...
Having only left Rubyville a couple weeks ago there are still a lot of Ruby-based utilities that I still find incredibly handy. One such utility that I've recently fallen hopelessly in love with is stakeout.rb from: http://pragmaticautomation.com/cgi-bin/pragauto.cgi/Monitor/StakingOutF…
While I'm certain that I could never work up to the standards of Peter Cooper his "Interesting Ruby Tidbits That Don't Need Separate Posts" series...
I've now been working professionally in Drupal for a year and have learned a lot about it; I have some patches into contrib but I've not really done...
If you contribute patches to the Drupal issue queues, you often spend a lot of time and hard work getting that patch through the review process.