machine learning (2)

machine learning

Amazon SageMaker

What is Amazon SageMaker? If you are new to the machine learning development world you not know what you need to know about Amazon SageMaker

The Cloud

Big Takeaways from AWS re:Invent 2021

While normally I consider myself a consistent writer, since this summer it's been difficult for me to muster to will to research and share the...

The Cloud

AWS reInvent: what to expect 2021

As an award-winning AWS Advanced Consulting Partner and AWS managed services provider, we are pumped about the

machine learning

Artificial Intelligence and the Cyberpunk dream

I was always amazed at the way the media convinced me that Artificial Intelligences would think, behave and act like human beings. That made me look...

The Cloud

How to Host a Website on AWS in 5 Minutes

For most casual website owners, it’s often easy to simply use a hosting provider with built in support for their CMS and integrating analytics....

machine learning

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a field of computer science where mathematical systems “learn” from massive data to adjust their internal models using linear...

The Cloud

Chaos Engineering & AWS CloudShell

Our CTO, Tony Rost, sat down with engineering manager Nathan Wilkerson to talk about his key takeaways from this year’s re:Invent: Chaos Engineering...

machine learning

A UX perspective on AWS re:Invent 2020

In 2020, a majority of events moved online, making them more accessible than ever before, and an outcome of this change has created new opportunities...

machine learning

Takeaways from 2020

This was a bizarre year that delivered a mix of stress and opportunities. I found new hobbies, new tricks for remote working, and new ways of...

The Cloud

Video Streaming + Cloud

Executive Interview with Joachim Bergman, CEO/COO at 24i. Joachim Bergman has been leading tech innovation for over two decades, with a focus on...

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