Database (5)
Views 3 makes programmers happy
Views 3 addresses some of the most stubborn parts of Views 2, and significantly improves the way Drupal programmers deliver features to clients.
How to Add Theme Settings for Drupal 7
You know that list of checkboxes on the theme settings page that let you turn on and off parts of the theme like the logo or slogan?
The Framework is dead. Long live the CMS.
If you don't know already, the framework is dead.
What's in a framework, experiences from Rails and Drupal
I've now been working professionally in Drupal for a year and have learned a lot about it; I have some patches into contrib but I've not really done...
Making your clients love Drupal's menu system as much as I love candy
NOTE: Apologies for the gap, I said I would post on Monday but well, I decided to get married instead. So there.
We may not always be the right fit... but we probably know someone!
It seems that I often hear the term "full service agency" used a lot in the advertising/design/marketing/development world.
First Thoughts of Drupal- Part 2
Continuing on with the previous topic of essentially “what is Drupal?” we move on to the discussion of PHP and its importance in being able to build...
Drupal and Fivestar, ajax style. A short case study.
So there we were, facing a Flash based video player that could have multiple tabs of many videos apiece.
Deployment with Capistrano Part 2: Drush integration
In my last post, a basic intro to to running cap deploy was presented. Now, let's look at some more advanced scenarios. (See Part 1 for the actual...
Capistrano: Drupal deployments made easy, Part 1
I'm a big fan of having an automated deployment process. It's really the web development analog to the "one step build process", as described in the...
Converting from Brightcove 2 and loading arbitrary videos
Over the last two weeks I've been working on a project to convert one of our client's websites to Brightcove 3 players. As I am quite new to drupal...
Stage-specific Drupal settings with local_settings.php
The decision to store settings.php in your version control system can be sticky.
Drupal Deployment Checklist
Here is a short list of things I check before finishing a new deployment. Database logging row limit (admin/settings/logging/dblog)
A Drupal version of chicken vs. egg: external API content fetching and cron failures
Recently we had an interesting issue with one of our multi-site Drupal hosting deployments; the cron was not running regularly.
Drupal 'Access Denied' on all pages
Ran into an interesting little snag this morning - a client's Drupal site was spitting out "Access Denied" errors for all page loads by anonymous...
Using PHP/MySQL w/Drupal to update missing Google Geocode data
We recently needed to fill missing geocode values in a project's database. Using some PHP magic and taking advantage of hook_cron() this is how we...