
Artificial Intelligence

Dylan Wilder-Tack, Drupal Security Team Member

When discussing the benefits of open-source frameworks (especially Drupal), I've often heard, "But if everyone has access to the source code, how...

Artificial Intelligence

Design has a big impact on web development

You know that button on the website you want to change? The one that looks like it was designed in 1999? Guess what? It was designed in 1999, and so...


A tiny cart block for Ubercart

Here's a tiny shopping cart block for Ubercart that fits right in with the menu. Of course the standard block could be themed this way, but this is...


Facebook API Terminology

The toad just finished a small project involving the Facebook API and by far the most confusing aspect of the project was the terminology regarding...

Artificial Intelligence

NTP out of sync?

Is your unix-based system time out of sync? If it is out of sync by more that 1000 seconds, you will need to manually force it back into sync.


Repositioning node comments

A strange quirk in Drupal 6 hard-codes comment rendering into the node module. This makes it quite difficult to reposition comments, for instance...

Artificial Intelligence re-launches on Drupal

If you have ever spent any time around software development, (especially here in Portland with our amazing open-source community) you'll know that...


SimpleTest 6.x gets e-mail capture!

The latest 6.x-2.9 release of SimpleTest includes a backport of the e-mail capture feature from D7. This means you can finally unit test e-mail...


The Power of Yes (within Frameworks)

Of all the powerful words in any language assertion is in my opinion the absolute most powerful. With affermative language we are able to create...

Artificial Intelligence

iPhone video streaming from Drupal's file system

It's well known the iPhone can play H.264 video. With tools like ffmpeg, hooking this up to Drupal ought to be simple, right? Here are a few snags I...

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