machine learning (4)

machine learning

Advantages of Google Cloud

Choosing a cloud provider can be a difficult process that has long-term impacts to productivity, cost, and features.

machine learning

Automotive Aftermarket and IoT

We all know cars are getting smarter, and car manufacturers are competing more and more not just based on reliability but

machine learning

Freedom to Fumble: Learnings From Hackathon 2018

I spend all my time at work dealing with software. So going into this year’s hackathon, I was excited to get hands-on (and in over my head) with...

The Cloud

IoT and Employee Satisfaction

The very concept of automation leads to a moral and ethical dilemma regarding the workforce.

machine learning

On Manual Process & Reporting

Data automation has been popular business buzzword jargon as of late, and to some extent, rightfully so!

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