JavaScript (4)

Artificial Intelligence

A Short List of Handy Web/Mobile Debugging Tools

I recently helped a friend with a couple bugs they were fixing on a mobile site, and suddenly realized that there is a good basic list of tools that...


Elasticsearch and Jetty

I needed a custom REST interface that mimicked a legacy API, rather than using elasticsearch's REST interface directly. Because we all know that I...

Artificial Intelligence

HTML5 canvas resources for beginners

HTML5’s element is one of the large driving forces behind my excitement for HTML5 development. Canvas provides a wonderful way to add extra shine and...

Artificial Intelligence

Why HTML5 Makes Sense for Business

There's a lot of buzz from developers about HTML5, but what does it really mean to business? I look at in terms of...

Artificial Intelligence

Stop! You are doing mobile wrong!

For as long as mobile sites have been around the conventional wisdom has been: build your website first and then create a mobile site as an add-on;...


Using JSONP Safely

JSONP is a way to make cross-domain requests through javascript. It takes advantage of a loophole in the browser's same-origin policy: tags are...

Artificial Intelligence

Big news for web fonts and video today

The codec wars around the HTML5 video element might be settled sooner than you think: Basically, Google just open-sourced VP8, a video codec. VP8 is...

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