Database (2)

The Cloud

Cloud + Manufacturing

In this interview, Jim gives his take on the future of cloud, the building blocks of evaluating enterprise tech solutions, and his advice for other...

The Cloud

What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is: the delivery of services, on a pay-as-you go basis. It’s the availability of offsite computer system resources that offers...

The Cloud

ReactJS Amplify App Pt II - Storage

The banner and food feed have placeholder images that are ready to accept an avatar image. Now on to storing and retrieving an avatar in an s3 bucket...

The Cloud

What is serverless?

Recently the term "serverless" has been thrown a lot in reference to provisioned, on demand functions invoked by a cloud provider, as a service....

The Cloud

Docker Containers & Clustering/Orchestration

The Big Picture The aim of this blog post isn’t to get into the nitty gritty how to build and run a containerized app on your favorite cloud provider...

Artificial Intelligence

Missing a Development Tool? Make Your Own!

Do you ever wish you had a certain tool, but didn't have the budget for it or knew it existed? I'm here to tell you something: you can build it!...


Devopsing a Legacy World

Devops has been picking up steam since around the year 2009. ( It could be argued it was around in other forms longer but for argument's sake let's...


Drupal 8: Consumption of a Third-Party API

For a recent project, we were tasked to consume the client's internal data from a custom API. Now, this scenario was lucky for us, the API provides a...

Artificial Intelligence

Spatial analysis with PostgreSQL and OpenStreetMap

I've always been a map geek, dating back to the 1980s when I would take a road atlas and some tracing paper and draw in my own road network. And one...

The Cloud

AWS Snowflake Data Warehousing

Learn about AWS Snowflake Architecture, data handling and connecting to Snowflake, how to set up a Snowflake DB, and load Data from the pros at Metal...

Artificial Intelligence

Say no to NoSQL AKA NewSQL is the future!

With the rise of Big Data™ and IoT we saw a large wave of NoSQL™ proponents. Everyone began to jump on the bandwagon and hype trains to use these...

Artificial Intelligence

Django 2.0 - Is your project ready?

Django 2.0 is in beta now. It's expected to be released in December 2017. The question remains, is the rest of the world going to be ready? Let's...


Drupal 8: Migrating data from JSON files

The beauty of Drupal 8's built-in Migrate module is its flexibility. Lots of people will likely use it to migrate their Drupal 6 or 7 sites, but...


Top 5 Ways Executives Destroy Agile Companies

A few months ago, a senior executive of a large company asked me, “With our Agile transformation, how am I going to screw it up?” The question shook...

Artificial Intelligence

Secrets to Project Happiness Using Git

I have worked with dozens of projects over my career, on platforms ranging from Drupal to Yii to Django to AngularJS


Extending Drupal 8 Fields That Contain Data

Data protection is one of the primary advantages of Drupal, but sometimes there are exceptions to the rule and you might need to modify a field to...

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