Stories by Metal

Artificial Intelligence

Running FaaS on Linux Mint 19.3 with Kubeless

FaaS, the acronym for Function as a Service, is a cloud computing service that allows developers to build, run, and manage applications as functions...

Tips to manage stress

In this pandemic`s time we are all living, stress can be really part of our lives. We all have stress sometimes in our life, at work, at home, and on...

The Cloud

How to Host a Website on AWS in 5 Minutes

For most casual website owners, it’s often easy to simply use a hosting provider with built in support for their CMS and integrating analytics....

machine learning

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a field of computer science where mathematical systems “learn” from massive data to adjust their internal models using linear...

Artificial Intelligence

Difference between Defect, Error and Bug

In the testing world it is very common that Quality Engineers talk about defects, bugs and errors, during the software development life cycle.

The Cloud

Adaptability, Reinvention, and Media Security

Our CTO, Tony Rost, sat down with Senior Product Manager, Julie Scott, to talk about her key takeaways from this year’s re:Invent: organizational...

Artificial Intelligence

What is Quality Assurance?

If you have ever had a bad experience with a product, such as a new cell phone application or a bad food delivery, would you use that product or...


How to get started with AWS Quicksight

Our CTO, Tony Rost, sat down with product leader Dave Bellous to talk about his key takeaways from this year’s re:Invent: AWS Quicksight

Artificial Intelligence

How to pick the best Headless CMS

In the past few years, Metal Toad has increasingly migrated clients to headless CMS providers to reduce costs, improve the conten


No one ever got fired for buying IBM

Technology consulting firms are everywhere. Many have familiar names like IBM, Accenture and McKinsey. Some may be vendors you're working with. But...

Artificial Intelligence

How to avoid malware

The SUNBURST malware, likely of Russian origin, was a remarkable and devastating breach of cybersecurity. The data gathered will likely advantage the...


A CES Quick Guide

As an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, we’re thrilled to kick off 2021 with several Toads attending the first all-digital CES 2021!


You’re on mute…

When it comes to summing up 2020 it’s the ubiquitous phrase “you’re on mute” that is both perfect and a little painful.

machine learning

A UX perspective on AWS re:Invent 2020

In 2020, a majority of events moved online, making them more accessible than ever before, and an outcome of this change has created new opportunities...


Farewell 2020

On New Years Eve, from the comfort of my couch, I watched the “Good Riddance 2020” Pink Martini streaming event on OPB.

machine learning

Takeaways from 2020

This was a bizarre year that delivered a mix of stress and opportunities. I found new hobbies, new tricks for remote working, and new ways of...

To Blog or Not to Blog

For someone who does not consider himself much of a writer, “To Blog or Not to Blog?” is a ques

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