Artificial Intelligence

PhoneGap Day! Michael Brooks on Contributing to Apache Cordova

Michael Brooks, @mwbrooks Open Source Designers are needed. Tech writers are really, really needed.

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Michael Brooks, @mwbrooks

Open Source
Designers are needed.
Tech writers are really, really needed.

"I want to join, but I'm afraid of criticism and making mistakes."
Criticism is part of writing code.
You will make mistakes, but no one cares, its part of the learning

All Projects are different

Contributor vs. Committer
Contributors get the word out, and help get people involved.
They are super important.
Blogging about it
Stack Overflow - Q & A
Google Groups - participate in discussion
Twitter - tweet about it
IRC - #phonegap
Write/Patch a plugin - extreme contribution
Phonegap-minded JS library or tool - write one!
Post a description of your app to
Host a meetup
Talk about Phonegap
Add to Community Notes -

Ready for the parties?
Ready for attention from the opposite sex?
Ready for the popularity?

The Apache Way
6 steps
Source code
fork & clond
Issue Tracker
License Agreement
On or off Company time, separate licensing
Mailing List
Get Started
Read the Mail list, watch JIRA
Make Yourself Known
Choose your battle
Pick a JIRA issue - get shit done!
Committer Status
Show that you're swell & trustworthy
Committership recipe
active on the mail list
active on the issue tracker
merged in code
ask for committer access

Slides here.

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