Artificial Intelligence

Open Source HR, because we need this.

Uber, Google, Yahoo,'s hard to find a tech giant that hasn't been in the news for an employee relations crisis. HR has always been a challenging career, but lately, it's felt damn near impossible.

Filed under:'s hard to find a tech giant that hasn't been in the news for an employee relations crisis. HR has always been a challenging career, but lately, it's felt damn near impossible. Blame politics, blame HR policies that shift faster than quaking tectonic plates, blame millennials-- after all, we are killing ALL THE THINGS. Either way, it's time to remember that no (wo)man is an island and no HR professional should have to navigate these waters alone.

Open Source HR is a collaboration of human resource professionals that work in tech. In the spirit of open source technologies, Open Source HR brings together those interested in discussing emerging HR trends/issues, sharing resources, and fostering a network of allies in the HR field.

The Open Source HR collaborative will meet monthly in themed topics such as:

  • Does fostering an inclusive workplace include freedom of speech for all beliefs?
  • What strategies allow companies to hire for cultural alignment when competition for highly skilled candidates is fierce?
  • How do you ensure the employees closest to a problem are empowered to find the solution?

Open Source HR will also hold an annual unConference-- two days of grassroots workshops, think-tanks, and resource sharing. Free of charge to all participants and sponsored by the local companies we work for. The first unConference is October 21st and 22nd and tickets are almost sold out!

Would you like to get involved? Participants can join the monthly Meetup and register for the Open Source unConference. Companies that would like to sponsor this initiative can email myself,, for the tiered sponsorship opportunities.

Thanks to our early sponsors, Metal ToadSimple, LaunchCode, and Reimbi!

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