Metal Toad Media is moving

It is with a light heart and a kick in our step that the Metal Toad team heads out to our new office. We're moving into Auditorium Building on SW 3rd Ave., just down the street from...

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It is with a light heart and a kick in our step that the Metal Toad team heads out to our new office. We're moving into whole 2nd floor of the Auditorium Building on SW 3rd Ave., just down the street from our old office in downtown Portland. The new space more than doubles our square footage and takes things up a step on the cool meter. It's a beautiful building with high ceilings, frescoed columns and huge tall windows.

The Auditorium Building in downtown Portland

We'll be building out the interior and making the space ours over the next few months, but in the interim we'll have plenty of space for the occasional pick up game of indoor flag football (it's big!) Once it's been properly configured, we'll be throwing a welcome/thank you party for all of our friends, family and toadites.

Phone numbers will stay the same as always, but the mailing address is new:

Metal Toad Media Headquarters (NEW)
920 SW 3rd Ave., 2nd Floor
Portland, OR 97204

Portland Web Development Map

We hope to see you soon!

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