
DrupalCon PDX 2013 Kick off!

Countdown to DrupalCon initiated! Metal Toad went to the kickoff meeting for DrupalCon 2013, which is taking place right here in our fair city of Portland, Oregon. Portland is full of people who are enthusiastic about open source software, and Drupal in particular.

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Countdown to DrupalCon initiated!

Metal Toad went to the kickoff meeting for DrupalCon 2013, which is taking place right here in our fair city of Portland, Oregon. Portland is full of people who are enthusiastic about open source software, and Drupal in particular. Beer and VooDoo donuts were provided, of course, because you cannot gather this many Portlanders in a room and not provide the staples of the Portland diet. (Besides, you can always lose the weight later using the DrupalCon diet)

There was a presentation and a Q&A, after which I had a quick chat with Neil Kent who is the Events Manager for the Drupal Association. Even though next year's DrupalCon is going to be in the hands of experienced event planners, there is a pretty big call for volunteers to help make DrupalCon PDX... well... more PDX.

Documenting the Process

So there is a lot of work to be done between now and May of next year, but I think it will be exciting to watch DrupalCon take on a distinct Portland flavor and see everyone's ideas slowly materialize into a tangible event. I'm going to be attending the regular Drupal meetups and DrupalCon planning sessions to give a behind-the-scenes look at how something like this actually comes together.

If there is anyone you'd like to hear from, or a particular part of the process that you would like to see - please let me know! From the people I talked to, I realized there is a really passionate community behind Drupal that wants to see it grow. Hopefully I'll be there to video it all and share their enthusiasm!

Don't miss Portland DrupalCon!

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