
Adding WordPress to the Arsenal

With the recent acquisition of Etch Software, Metal Toad Media has added a new Director of Digital Strategy, Mike Bijon, and diversified our service offering to include W

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With the recent acquisition of Etch Software, Metal Toad Media has added a new Director of Digital Strategy, Mike Bijon, and diversified our service offering to include WordPress. Already the world's pre-eminent blogging platform, WordPress has evolved beyond this to be its own Content Management System with a vibrant, active community. For Metal Toad Media this new, enhanced expertise in WordPress adds to our existing digital strategy, Drupal and mobile-focused HTML5 skillset, allowing us to make platform recommendations, truly based on merit and not a preconceived bias.

With a formal education in engineering and applied mathematics and experience as a WordPress core contributor, Mike helps to diversify Metal Toad Media's technical offering. Additionally with more than 10 years of experience and a track record that includes work with Lexus, Google, The Amgen Foundation, and LucasArts, he brings a depth of experience that compliments Metal Toad Media's already deep bench.

We look forward to being able to advise clients on the best web and mobile technologies and strategies, no matter what they might be.

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