
ToadCast 001 - Hello World!

First Episode Here we go! The first ever Metal Toad Media podcast: Toadcast! This is a weekly podcast dealing with the web, technology, and anything we're into at the moment. We are really excited about this first effort and can't wait to see how this grows over time.

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First Episode

Here we go! The first ever Metal Toad Media podcast: Toadcast! This is a weekly podcast dealing with the web, technology, and anything we're into at the moment. We are really excited about this first effort and can't wait to see how this grows over time.

If you like what you hear (or don't like what you hear) leave us a comment and feel free to send us questions/topics that you'd like to hear addressed on upcoming episodes. It is our hope to eventually have guest hosts and interviews, live chats, etc...

Joining me on our first episode is friend and co-worker, Tony Rasmussen

Thanks for listening.

Topics discussed:

  • Javascript semicolon drama
  • What do you call a dev that only does html/css?
  • Minimum cross-browser testing for clients. Do we test mobile by default?
  • vendor-prefixes and opera's decision to include webkit support
  • <picture> element responsive image method

Show Notes:

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