
Mobile Traffic is Up

Mobile website traffic is up. While this is hardly news, as a small case study I'm posting findings from (you can see the exact numbers in the tables below).

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Mobile website traffic is up. While this is hardly news, as a small case study I'm posting findings from (you can see the exact numbers in the tables below). Here's the most important information I gleaned from our mobile analysis:

  1. Mobile traffic for us is approaching 4% (By comparison for it's 7.5%). This is a 3 fold increase from 12 months ago.
  2. Time on the site for a mobile user is about 1/3 of the time from a traditional web user, but average pageviews is only about 20% less then traditional. Are they consuming more content faster or just skimming?
  3. Mobile users are spending 20% less time on our site then last year (2010). Traditional web browsing time on site remains constant.

Looking back further into 2009, mobile traffic is virtually non-existent (0 visits) or Google Analytics didn't provide tracking for mobile clients.

I am predicting a significant uptick in mobile traffic this year, so we'll be investing in a more mobile friendly site. For us and for other business that are looking to tailor their sites to mobile traffic it's important that they are paying attention to:

  1. Where is the mobile traffic coming from?
  2. What are mobile users looking at?

I'll be posting more information on that and the exact makeup of our mobile traffic in a future post.

Feb 2011 Statistics for

Mobile Traditional Total Mobile %
Visitors 408 10,022 10,430 3.91%
Pageviews 507 15,703 16,210 3.13%
Avg. Pageviews 1.24 1.55 - -
Time on Site 0:23 1:10 - -

Feb 2010 Statistics for

Mobile Traditional Total Mobile %
Visitors 78 5,686 5,764 1.35%
Pageviews 114 10,725 10,839 1.05%
Avg. Pageviews 1.46 1.88 - -
Time on Site 0:29 1:10 - -

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