Mobile Traffic is Up
Mobile website traffic is up. While this is hardly news, as a small case study I'm posting findings from (you can see the exact numbers...
Last week, this error brought many of our deployments to a screeching halt. "upload via sftp failed on Net::SFTP::StatusException (Net::SFTP::StatusException open ...releases/20130408223054/drupal/ sites/all/themes/boilerplate/css/compiled/default.css (2, "no such file"))".
Mobile website traffic is up. While this is hardly news, as a small case study I'm posting findings from (you can see the exact numbers...
Our responsive redesign has been a great improvement for I was still not entirely satisfied with the speed of our site, especially...
When we added the Compass CSS authoring framework to our projects, new wrinkles appeared in the deployment process. Committing the artifacts to Git...