If you're familiar with the Nodequeue module and you wanted to create a queue of other entity types, like users or terms, then you would have to install another module, like User Queue or Term Queue. Not anymore! Introducing Entityqueue!
Entityqueue brings the functionality of all these modules together. Now, you are not just limited to nodes, users and terms, but you can also create file queues as well as any other entity type that is created by a contrib module. Entityqueue 7.x-1.0-alpha1 was released just a few days ago, and there have already been a few bugs fixed in the latest dev release.
Brief History (from my point of view)
I'm really excited about this release because it was a module idea I had a little over a year ago. Of course I wasn't the first one to think of that, but I didn't know that until later. When I finally discovered the sandbox module, I was excited to see others were interested in this idea and I wanted to get it to a full-fledged project. I worked on several patches and got some of them committed before becoming a co-maintainer.
What's Next
But now that it's full-fledged project, we need your help to make it better. Download it, install it, submit issues and feedback, and submit and review patches.
Update: Tutorials
I'm going to be writing a series of tutorials and follow-up posts for Entityqueue:
Drupal 7 Tutorial: Using Entityqueue
Drupal 7 Tutorial: Using Entityqueue with Views
Drupal 7: When to use Entityqueue vs Draggable Views
Drupal 7 Tutorial: Creating a Custom Entityqueue Handler