Over the years Metal Toad has written a lot about JavaScript. We've explored numerous frameworks - Angular, Vue, Ember - you name it. After exploring all of these we've settled on React JS as our framework of choice. With this in mind here are our Top 10 React JS tips we have published as ranked by you - the internet. Enjoy!
While working with large React applications, having a solid Redux architecture can keep data flow clean and easy to debug. A common point of confusion in Redux is the middleware pattern. We'll discuss why Redux middleware is beneficial, where it fits in, and step through an implementation of it.
React is awesome. An 11 out 10. In my opinion, the best UI library currently in the ecosystem. It streamlines UI componentization, reusability, UI state, and a ton of other client-side headaches devs have been mitigating for years. React's greatest flaw, in my opinion, isn't...
In React Architecture: Part 1 we discussed a desire to configure a working React website with as few addons as possible. The post ended with the creation of a basic Webpack config, which left us with a project structure like...
The point I’d like to get across in this post is why I structure React components the way that I do for this architecture. It pairs nicely with the Director configuration we set up in Part 2, and it allows me to get content up and running quickly.
At Metal Toad, I’m part of a team of developers who often work on code together. Whether it’s pairing with one other person or mobbing as a larger group, teamwork is an important way we help each other and provide the best value to our customers. And teamwork requires communication.
As an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, Metal Toad helps our clients identify their cloud solutions. However, one question I frequently hear is, “If we are building cloud solutions, then why is there a need for engineers in Android, iOS, and React specialties?”.
This is a three part post about our experience using AWS Amplify to develop a food logging app for the Metal Toad hackathon. Here in part one we cover the initial project overview/setup and our experience implementing Amplify Auth. Part two will cover Amplify Storage, with part three covering Amplify AppSync and PubSub.
The banner and food feed have placeholder images that are ready to accept an avatar image. Now on to storing and retrieving an avatar in an s3 bucket using Amplify Storage, and displaying it using Amplify React S3Image!
I've been thinking a lot about Javascript over the last few months. And not the "How can we architect a better system" type of thinking, but the "Why do people still write this?" type of thinking. I guess it only recently occurred to me, that it seems crazy that people still think it's a good idea.
Over the past several years, Metal Toad has launched several successful cloud-first web and mobile applications, often with hardware components. With each release, I'm noticing how product management, UX, and engineering are frequently able to produce the same features of a CMS faster and cheaper than using Drupal, WordPress, Salesforce, and Adobe.