
What I Learned Today: Drupal #attached Awesomeness

Written by Metal Toad Staff | Dec 16, 2013 12:00:00 AM
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What is #attached

Drupal 7 introduced render arrays, which was really an expansion of the existing Form API. One of the special elements of a render array is the #attached key. In a nutshell, it allows you to attach additional CSS or Javascript to your element. Here is a typical example that I stole straight from the Color module.

// Add scheme selector.
$form['scheme'] = array(
  '#type' => 'select',
  '#title' => t('Color set'),
  '#options' => $color_sets,
  '#default_value' => $scheme_name,
  '#attached' => array(
    // Add Farbtastic color picker.
    'library' => array(
      array('system', 'farbtastic'),
    // Add custom CSS.
    'css' => array(
      $base . '/color.css' => array(),
    // Add custom JavaScript.
    'js' => array(
      $base . '/color.js',
        'data' => array(
          'color' => array(
            'reference' => color_get_palette($theme, TRUE),
            'schemes' => $schemes,
          'gradients' => $info['gradients'],
        'type' => 'setting',

There are three different child keys of #attached in use here: library, css and js. Each is an array, and the values of each will later be passed to the corresponding drupal_add_library, drupal_add_css, drupal_add_js. This is nice because then we can load only the css/javascript that is needed on that page and it is in-context with where it is needed instead of having some complex logic in a hook_init() to conditionally load it.

As If That Isn't Awesome Enough

What I didn't know until recently, is that library, css and js are not the only keys you can pass. You can actually pass any arbitrary key you want, and it will be used as a callback function, receiving as arguments the values of its array. Here is an example from the documentation for drupal_process_attached().

$build['#attached']['drupal_add_http_header'] = array(
  array('Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8'),

So when drupal_process_attached runs, it will call: drupal_add_http_header('Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8');

Another example might be:

$og_image = array(
  '#tag' => 'meta', 
  '#attributes' => array(
    'property' => 'og:image',
    'content' => $image_path,
$build['#attached']['drupal_add_html_head'] = array(
  array($og_image, 'og_image'),

The possibilities are endless!

Some other interesting uses in Core

This post is part of my challenge to never stop learning.

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