
Repositioning node comments

Written by Metal Toad Staff | Nov 10, 2009 12:00:00 AM
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A strange quirk in Drupal 6 hard-codes comment rendering into the node module. This makes it quite difficult to reposition comments, for instance under a set of tabs in the node template. Attempting this brings you crashing into the most dreaded rampart of Drupal theming; moving something out of it's vertical stack:

comment_render($node) can easily be placed in your node template, but how on earth can the original display be removed? comment_render() is called by node_show(), which contains this nugget:

if (function_exists('comment_render') && $node->comment) {
  $output .= comment_render($node, $cid);

Ouch. (Thankfully, this has been fixed in Drupal 7.)

While it's tempting to fake it with jQuery, or CSS positioning, there is a way to fix this by overriding the page callback for node rendering. Here's a quick module that implements this solution:

 * Implementation of hook_menu_alter().
 * Override the page callback for nodes, so that we can render nodes
 * without comments.  comment_render() will be called via the node template.
function comment_unrender_menu_alter(&$items) {
  $items['node/%node']['page callback'] = '_comment_unrender_node_page_view';
 * Generate a page displaying a single node, without its comments.
 * @see node_show()
function _comment_unrender_node_show($node, $cid, $message = FALSE) {
  if ($message) {
    drupal_set_title(t('Revision of %title from %date', array('%title' => $node->title, '%date' => format_date($node->revision_timestamp))));
  $output = node_view($node, FALSE, TRUE);
  // Update the history table, stating that this user viewed this node.
  return $output;
 * Menu callback; view a single node.
 * @see node_page_view()
function _comment_unrender_node_page_view($node, $cid = NULL) {
  return _comment_unrender_node_show($node, $cid);