
Comparison of AngularJS cache vs. browser HTTP cache

Written by Metal Toad Staff | Mar 21, 2014 12:00:00 AM
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When working with Angular's $http service, one of the nifty options is a built-in cache service. It's off by default, and enabling this service can prevent repeated requests for the same resource. In this post, I'll compare Angular's service to native HTTP caching in your browser (I used Chrome as a baseline for comparison, and other browsers may differ slightly).

Angular $cacheFactory Browser HTTP cache (Chrome)
Storage Javascript heap memory (more) disk (more)
Eviction algorithm Least recently used (LRU) LRU (more)
Time-to-live until page refresh Determined by HTTP headers
Support for revalidation No Yes, with ETags
Requires cooperation of
remote server
No Yes
  method: 'GET',
  cache: true,
  url: '
Cache-Control: max-age=1800, private
Vary: Cookie
Content-Type: application/json

Overall, I'd say the browser has the advantage, but there are many gotchas to look out for with HTTP:

  • First, the server must be coorperating by sending suitable headers (usually easy if you control the remote resource, rare for third-parties).
  • If your resources require authenication, you'll need to set the Vary: header, and Cache-control: private. In the above example cookies are used, but other methods will work. For example if you authenticate with OAuth 2.0, the header would be Vary: Authorization.
  • Be careful with proxies, for example Varnish does not support "private" by default.
  • When using HTTPS, Chrome and Safari will not cache resources from servers with self-signed certificates. This sometimes makes testing more complicated.
  • Safari's implementation of Vary: is broken for cookies, and possibly other headers.


There is a third option if you can't solve the gotchas above, but need more flexibility: angular-cache. By using this replacement for $cacheFactory, you get more storage options (localStorage and sessionStorage), and a configurable time-to-live.